The Images Wish to Speak: An Interview with Artist Carrie Ann Baade, Unquiet Things

B20 Artist Interview with Carrie Ann Baade, Wiregrass Museum

Carrie Ann Baade: Overview and Interview, Poets and Artists Magazine

Painting with Blasphemy: An Interview with Carrie Ann Baade, Beautiful Bizarre

Carrie Ann Baade, Miroir Magazine

Art and Life with Carrie Ann Baade, Voyage Magazine

The Artist as Frankenstein Piecing Together the Sublime, Dangerous Minds

Carrie Ann Baade’s Work Blends Art History, Autobiography, Hi-Fructose: The New Contemporary Art Magazine

10 Point Profile: Carrie Ann Baade: Ladder and Key

Carrie Ann Baade Interview, Hey! Modern Art and Pop Culture #28

Carrie Ann Baade: Solar Midnight, Onview Magazine

Surpassing Legacy/Embracing Piracy, Zymbol Magazine

Carrie Ann Baade: The New York Optimist

HF Exclusive: Carrie Ann Baade, Hi-Fructose Magazine: The New Contemporary Art Magazine

Carrie Ann Baade, This Is So Contemporary
Carrie Ann Baade: Artist Talk Short Interview
Dark Society episode 129: Carrie Ann Baade, hosted by Chet Zar
Books and Catalogs
Alba, Leana, et al. The Invisible College 10th Edition: “For The Goddess.” Bowkers, 2020.
Baade, Carrie Ann, and Nancy E. Hightower. Cute & Creepy. Florida State Univ, 2011.
Becket-Griffith, Jasmine. Gothic Art Now. Harper Design, 2008.
Christian, Victoria, and Susan Stedman. Feminine Mysticism in Art. Victoria Christian, 2018.
Elizabeth, S. The Art of the Occult. White Lion Publishing, 2020.
Flemming, Robin. Metamorphosis: 50 Contemporary Surreal, Fantastic and Visionary Artists. BeinART Publishing; 2007.
"Explaining Death to a Rabbit". In Amy Grimm, Gothic (exhibition catalog) (pp. 9). Santa Ana, California: Orange County Center for Contemporary Art.
Gore, Janice. La Luz De Jesus: The Little Gallery That Could (pp. 25). San Francisco, California: La Luz De Jesus Press.
Kahn, Aunia, and Russell J. Moon. Lowbrow Tarot. Schiffer Pub Limited, 2012, pp. 14 – 17.
Oroc, James. The New Psychedelic Revolution. Simon and Schuster, 2018, p. 374.
Samatar, Sofia, et al. Uncanny Magazine Issue Three. Uncanny Magazine.
Gromyko Semper, Liba W S and Bruce Rimell, The Encyclopedia of Fernal Affairs
Sloan, Alix. Launching Your Art Career. Createspace Independent Publishing Platform, 2015, p. 103.
Stewart, Mary. Launching the Imagination. Mcgraw Hill, 2018, p 100, 175.
Baroh. J. Studio, Krab Jab. Angels, Totems and Revelations, 2017, pp 20-22.
Spoor, N. Suggestivism. Gingko Press Inc, 2011, pp. 10-11.
VanderMeer, Jeff, and Desirina Boskovich. The Steampunk User’s Manual. Harry N. Abrams, 2014. Pp 49-54.
Ziegler, Tina. Hunt & Gather. Mark Batty Pub, 2010.
Zipes, Jack. The Irresistible Fairy Tale. Princeton University Press, 2013, p. 150.
Covers and work used as illustration
Auchter, A., The Glass Crib (pp. cover image). Clarksville, TN: Zone 3 Press at Austin Peay State University, TN. cover
Bertus, Jeronimus, Neurotism and Environment, University of Groningen: Netherlands, 2015. cover
Hamby, Barbara. Bird Odyssey. University of Pittsburgh Press, 2018. cover.
Kuntyj, Linda. Visual Arts: a Resource for Units 2A-2B (pp. 60). North Fremantle Western Australia: Impact Publishing.
Rambo, Cat. Eyes Like Sky and Coal and Moonlight (pp. 1). Paper Golem LLC. cover.
VanderMeer, Jeff. Wonderbook. Abrams, 2013.
Johnson Parker, Pamela. A Walk through the Memory Palace, Phoenicia Publishing. Dec 2, 2009. cover.
Pamela Johnson Parker. Cleave. Trio House Press. 2018. cover
Apex Magazine, 41. October, 2012. cover
Apex Magazine, 48. May 2013. cover.
Apex Magazine, 51. Aug 2013. cover.
Uncanny Magazine, Issue 3, April 2015. cover
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“INAUGURACIN_‘El Ojo Interior’ De Carrie Ann Baade: Centro De Investigacin Arte y Entorno.” UPV, 1 Jan. 2020, www.upv.es/entidades/CIAE/noticia_1097225c.html.
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- Warrington, Timothy. Carrie Ann Baade - The Critique, International Confederation of Art Critics, 16 Jan. 2019, www.international-confederation-art-critics.org/carrie-ann-baade-critique?fbclid=IwAR1XVaOSgQAR0rRhujS34JGZTMfZM6Mgk9QL5iZaQw8Z4_ILL825cf8xSzY.
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- Molesky, D. (2018, July). CARRIE ANN BAADE | OVERVIEW AND INTERVIEW. Poets and Artists Magazine, 5, 1-11.
- Pak, N. (2018). Carrie Ann Baade. Miroir Magazine, "Myth and Majesty", 19, 98 - 107.
- Smith, A. (2018). Carrie Ann Baade's Work Blends Art History, Autobiography. Hi Fructose New Contemporary Magazine. Retrieved from https://hifructose.com/2018/03/24/carrie-ann-baades-work-blends-art-history-autobiography/
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- Joruk, N. (2017). ANGELS, TOTEMS, AND REVELATIONS @ KRAB JAB STUDIO Natalia Joruk February 6, 2017 EXHIBITIONS, LATEST POSTS. https://beautifulbizarre.net. Retrieved from https://beautifulbizarre.net/2017/02/06/angels-totems-and-revelations-krab-jab-studio/
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- Foxx, S. (2016). Piece and Pieces: The work of Carrie Ann Baade. Connect Statesboro. Retrieved from http://www.connectstatesboro.com/news/article/10895/
- Harris, B. (2016). 'PORTRAITS OF FRIENDS' @ MODERN EDEN GALLERY. https://beautifulbizarre.net. Retrieved from https://beautifulbizarre.net/2016/06/09/portraits-friends-modern-eden-gallery/
- Mauldin, Alan. “Carrie Ann Baade: 'Piece and Pieces'.” Statesboro Herald (White), 13 Sept. 2019, www.statesboroherald.com/life/carrie-ann-baade-piece-and-pieces/.
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- Garcia, L. (2013, March). Abigarrada hypnosis en San Marcos. La Tribuna de Toledo, Spain, 4B.
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